Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cadillac Ranch… Is it Art? or is it Bad Parking???

Our adventures will take us to the new, the old, the beautiful and the just plain odd.  I love things that make me pause and say "um".

The Cadillac Ranch just outside Amarillo is one of the odd places.  It is a group of Cadillac cars planted in the ground in a wheat field.  You can bring your own spray paint and leave your very own graffiti mark on the cars.

At this point, I think the paint is probably what is holding those cars up.  The air smelled like the spray paint.  We didn't indulge in the spray paint tradition because it was so windy, I was not willing to leave with spray paint all over myself.  (OK, seriously people... that doesn't surprise any of you does it???)

Our campground was only about a mile from the Cadillac Ranch, so it was an easy decision to visit this "national treasure".  Honestly, it was worth the visit.  I think George is trying to figure out what he can bury in the ground--Makes me a little nervous.

We stayed at Oasis RV Resort.  They have a motorhome buried like the cars.

In fact, throughout Amarillo you see cars dangling, smashed upside down into various objects and different kinds of cars planted and sticking up.  It became entertaining to me to find these vehicles throughout town.

Amarillo, the place old cars go to be planted.

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